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No fees are charged for the submission, processing and publication of manuscripts. However, we request that authors writing in English submit a Certificate of English Language Correctness together with the manuscript. The certificate must be issued by a professional translator and include the name of the translator/company as well as contact information (website, e-mail address, telephone number).
Manuscripts and review proceedings:
Academic articles
The author should explain the relevance of his/her findings and clarify the results within the context of social work. This is examined and assessed during publication proceedings to assess the appropriateness of an article. The author is expected to work using systematically relevant resources, clarify his/her research methodology and present the results with respect to his/her research objectives. These are checked and assessed by two independent peer reviewers during the publication proceedings.
Review proceedings are bilaterally anonymous. Articles are assessed in terms of both content and form. If necessary, the article may be returned to the author(s) for re-writing or amendment. Based on the reviews, the article will either be accepted or rejected. Two versions of the manuscript should be submitted to the editor’s office, sent via e-mail. One of these versions should be free of any information which would lead to the identification of the author. The other should be a complete version of the article.
Decision on release:
The author will be notified of the results of the review proceedings within six months of receipt of the article, following which a licensing agreement will be concluded between Charles University and the author.
We appeal to authors to amend their manuscripts according to the indicated requirements prior to their submission for publication proceedings.
The body of the article
The main body of your text should be a maximum 20,000 characters in length PLUS the title, biography, abstracts, key words, list of sources, explanatory notes etc.
We accept the following text formats: *.docx, or *.doc
In order to accelerate the subsequent typesetting work, please observe the following requirements:
When structuring the text, use a consistent hierarchy for chapter titles, distinguishing individual levels using MS Word styles (bold type or italics, or by size) or numbers (with decimal points). Unless absolutely necessary, please do not use more than three levels of chapter titles.
Tables, graphs, diagrams, charts
When making tables, please use the MS Word table editor. Use simple formatting (black lines, a single type of lines, text formatting). Do not use shadow or several types of lines. If you have special requirements for the table format, specify these next to the table in the printed version of the manuscript. Submit any tables in electronic version as a separate file (e.g., Tab1.doc), indicating their place in the text, for example, <>. Submit any tables, graphs, charts made in MS Excel as individual files. Inserted tables, diagrams, graphs, charts should be numbered and named as follows:
Table 1: Name of Table…
The sources of tables, diagrams, graphs, charts should only be mentioned if you are not their author and they were reproduced or edited by you. Refer to the source under (below) the table.
The example:
Source: Author, 2012:15
Do not insert the following into the manuscript:
– illustrations, photos, symbols (arrows, lines and borders before and after paragraphs and so on) – colours, shading, borders, background print and other textual effects,
– non-textual items (floating text boxes and so on),
– colour highlights, comments, track changes and other “editing” functions.
We kindly ask that authors strictly adhere to accurate research into and work with the literature they use, primarily the referencing. In the text, the reference should state the author’s last name and year of release of the text; these should be separated with a comma, e.g. (Bauman, 2006). If a quotation is used, the page(s) should be indicated after a colon without a space, e.g. (Bauman, 2006:65).
A list of sources must be included at the end of the article; the list should only include the literature referenced in the article. The list must be sorted in alphabetical order. Where references are made to several works by the same author, the list should be arranged chronologically, with the latest work at the top. If several texts of the same author were released in a single year, please specify them by adding “a”, “b”, etc. (also see “Sources” below).
All English titles in the list of sources (articles, magazines, journals, monographs, articles in journals and anthologies, etc.) should have their first letter capitalised, with the exception of (in)definite articles, prepositions and connections (e.g. European Journal of Social Work, not European journal of social work).
For works written by a collective of authors: if 1 to 3 authors contributed to the work, state the names of all authors; if 4 and more authors contributed, please state the first three and add the “et al.” abbreviation.
A list of sources should be placed at the end of the article. A complete account of the sources used, sorted in alphabetical order by the name of their authors, should be included. Do not differentiate individual parts/sections in the list of sources (websites, laws, documents and others).
AUTHORS. Year. Name. Location: publisher.
AUTHORS. Year. Name [online]. Location: publisher. [Quotation date]. Available from:
AUTHOR. Year. Name. Location: publisher.
AUTHORS. Year. Name [online]. Location: publisher. [Quotation date]. Available from:
AUTHORS. Year. Contribution title. In: Authors/editors of the parental document (Eds.).Title of the parental document Location: publisher, page(s)
AUTHOR. Year. Name [online]. Location: publisher. [Quotation date]. Available from:
AUTHOR. Year. Article title. Magazine/journal title, Volume (issue number in the individual year), page(s).